Wuling brings the new logo to the world, boosting Made-in-China

From:Internet Info Agency

2020-05-27 16:54:10

On May 25, the Wuling brand released a brand new LOGO at the ceremony of the 22 millionth vehicle off the assembly line. The silver logo on the whole body is more in line with the current global aesthetic requirements than the previous red logo. In short, it is more international.

The biggest change of the new logo is to change the original red to silver which is more in line with the aesthetic trend. The other way is to change the warm color to a cool color. For example, the logos of global first-tier car brands such as Volkswagen, Audi and Mercedes-Benz are also presented in cool colors.

In fact, as a "going global" Chinese company, it is not an exception to change its logo and integrate into the global market. Just like the world-famous "Maotai" liquor, it is divided into "Star Maotai" and "Flying Maotai". In 1954, Maotai Distillery successfully registered the "Golden Wheel" trademark, the predecessor of "Star Moutai" surrounded by wheat ears. Afterwards, "Maotai" wine began to be sold overseas through its excellent strength.

Through investigation, Maotai Distillery found that foreign consumers had a high acceptance of Chinese Dunhuang frescoes at the time, and at the same time had a beautiful meaning of diplomatic envoys. So in 1958, the "Flying" trademark was registered in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and other places , “Flying Maotai” for export is officially sold.

From the trademark change of Moutai liquor to the Wuling brand rebranding process, we can see that these brands and products that are enough to be called "the highlight of Chinese goods", the development process from the local to the global is just like their own evolution, let the world know China, let the world know China.

Behind the change is the pride of facing the world

According to the official information released by the Wuling brand, the new silver logo represents the globalization of the brand. In the future, models with the silver Wuling logo will represent the special status of "global car". In addition to sales in China, it will also be sold to other SAIC-GM-Wuling overseas market.

For example, Baojun 530, which is owned by SAIC-GM-Wuling, currently uses 4 brands of Baojun, Wuling, Chevrolet and MG to sell in 19 countries around the world, and will open car booking channels to 33 countries around the world this year. Baojun 530, as a global strategic model independently developed by SAIC-GM-Wuling and with independent intellectual property rights, makes Wuling the first enterprise in the country to collect independent intellectual property tax from overseas auto companies. This is also a highlight in the history of the development of China's automobile manufacturing industry.

Great success in overseas markets, the new logo is more international

From January to April, the cumulative export volume of SAIC-GM-Wuling reached 28,926 units / set. Among them, Baojun 530's global car performance is outstanding, and the cumulative export volume from January to April exceeded 19,000 units / set, accounting for nearly 66%. Since the Indonesian version of Baojun 530 has been listed in 2019, it has firmly held the top two sales in the Indonesian midsize SUV market; the South American version of Baojun 530 won the Ecuadorian market sales, ranking the top three in South American market segment sales; the Indian version of the Baojun 530 market share exceeded the first quarter 52%. In India, for every 2 medium-sized SUVs sold, one is Baojun 530.

It can be seen from the data that SAIC-GM-Wuling has not only completed the "going out" but has established a firm foothold in overseas markets. In the face of the trend of the increasingly large global market layout and social progress in the future, people are increasingly demanding higher efficiency and quality of travel. The launch of the new logo symbolizes that the Wuling brand will be given a richer sense of the times.

New and old logos coexist in the domestic market

According to the official introduction of SAIC-GM-Wuling, the existing red Wuling logo that everyone is familiar with will not disappear and will continue to be used on domestic exclusive models, while the new silver logo will be used on global models under the Wuling brand .

The first car with the new logo is a MPV

The new MPV with the English name "Victory" will be the first product of the Wuling brand to hang a new logo. It is precisely because of the great achievements of Wuling's products in the MPV market.

Compared to the sedan and SUV markets, the domestic MPV market is relatively small. The first product is positioned in the MPV market, and it will inevitably face huge challenges. However, after communicating with Mr. Zhou Xing, Marketing Director of SAIC-GM-Wuling Automobile Co., Ltd., my doubts were dispelled.

"Victory, as the first global product with a silver logo, we strive to increase the product power as much as possible. It has a large space and a flexible seat layout, which effectively solves the common problem of the small trunk volume of many MPV models; in addition , Wuling has more than 20 million users' affirmation and support, but in the 35-year history of development, we found that we do not have a higher-quality luxury product to provide customers with long-term support, so Victory will make up for us The regret brought by the customer responds to the user's expectations with actual actions. "Mr. Zhou's few words also made me understand why Wuling is the most nationally appealing Chinese car brand.

Although the official has not yet announced detailed information about the new MPV product Victory, it is currently known that it will adopt a "2 + 2 + 2" three-row total of six seat layout. The rows of seats can be completely reclined; when only four people are seated, the second row of seats can be moved back to the original third row position, realizing a rear space comparable to an administrative D-class car; In addition to the adjustment, the two independent seats can also slide left and right to meet various different needs.

Wuling is a representative of China's manufacturing hard-core strength. Although it does not take luxury as its strength, it has marveled the world at an extraordinary speed. In the early days of COVID-19, SAIC-GM-Wuling became the first auto company to announce the production of masks, and achieved the mass production of masks off the assembly line within 3 days and the independent production of mask machines in 76 hours, demonstrating the strong production capacity and efficient adaptability of Chinese manufacturing .

In a blink of an eye, this time it became the first company in the country to complete the 22 million vehicles off the assembly line, and Wuling completed another amazing feat. With the release of the new silver label, the Wuling brand has begun to write a new chapter, and will develop upward through the brand to respond to the expectations of millions of users.

"Wuling makes whatever the people need!"

                                                   —— SAIC-GM-Wuling

Editor:Lu Hongwei

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