Home: Motoring > Automakers that could sell more than 1 million units in 2019

Automakers that could sell more than 1 million units in 2019

From:Internet Info Agency 2019-02-12 17:46:10

During the Spring Festival, some automakers announced their sales targets for 2019, including some major automakers such as Volkswagen, Great Wall, Toyota, and Changan. In China, there are very few automakers that can reach the sales of 1 million. IIA found that they still set a million sales target for 2019. Let us take a look at it.

According to the sales data released by CAAM, in the 2018 China auto market, a total of 28,080,600 new cars were sold, down 2.76% year-on-year; among them, the sales volume of the passenger car market was 23,709,800, down 4.08% year-on-year. Affected by policy adjustments, the decline in macroeconomic growth and various uncertainties, the Chinese auto market experienced its first negative growth in 28 years in 2018.

Which car companies in China have sold more than one million vehicles in 2018?

Although the growth of China's auto market has declined in 2018, many Chinese automakers have sold more than one million vehicles. However, there are not many car companies that have announced sales targets for 2019. And we have selected some of the car companies that have announced sales in 2019 for a simple interpretation.

From the sales data released by various automakers, there are currently five major automakers in China that have reached the sales of 1 million units. The actual sales volume of FAW-Volkswagen's Volkswagen brand reached 1.39 million units; Toyota (including GAC TOYOTA, FAW Toyota and other brands) actually sold 1.48 million units in 2018; For Nissan (Dongfeng Nissan, Zhengzhou Nissan and other brands), in 2018 a total of 1.56 million units were sold; Great Wall Motors, as one of the major Chinese automakers sold a total of 1.05 million units in 2018. Geely Auto actually sold 1.5 million vehicles in 2018.

Volkswagen (FAW Volkswagen) sales analysis in 2018

Volkswagen Group cooperates with many car companies in China. Although SAIC Volkswagen sold more than 1 million vehicles last year, it did not disclose its overall sales targets for 2018 and 2019. So this time we will only analyze the sales of FAW-Volkswagen.

According to the data, in the past year, Volkswagen (FAW Volkswagen) sold 1,391,088 new cars, an increase of 0.8% year-on-year, and the market share also increased to 6.1%. Among them, Jetta's sales in 2018 reached 326,600 units, an increase of 1.0% year-on-year, becoming the annual sales champion of VOLKSWAGEN. Magotan's cumulative sales in 2018 reached 228,400 units, a year-on-year increase of 7.1%. BORA's annual sales volume reached 243,700 units; Sagitar's cumulative sales reached 312,800 units; Golf's cumulative sales reached 174,900 units; C-TREK's total sales volume reached 43,900; the new generation CC sales reached 15,400.

Toyota 2018 sales analysis

FAW Toyota and GAC TOYOTA have sold a total of 720,000 vehicles and 580,000 vehicles in 2018 respectively. Lexus is also included in the sales, so Toyota has already reached a million units.

In 2018, FAW Toyota achieved sales of 720,300 units for the whole year. FAW Toyota's sales increased by 4%, its market share increased by 0.5%; dealer profit increased by 10%; inventory coefficient stabilized at 0.6.

In terms of GAC TOYOTA, the total sales volume reached 580,000 units in 2018. Although there is still a certain gap with FAW Toyota, GAC TOYOTA has achieved a year-on-year growth of 32% compared with 2017.

Highlights of NISSAN and GEELY


Nissan also has two partners in China, and Dongfeng Nissan has always played an important role in the passenger car segment. However, in terms of sales statistics in 2018, Dongfeng Nissan's approach is kind of inappropriate: Dongfeng Nissan accounted for the sales of Dongfeng VENUCIA as well, making the overall sales figures even larger.

Dongfeng VENUCIA is a self-owned brand of joint venture background identity. Although it adopts Nissan's technology, it is indeed an independent brand. The sales volume should be calculated separately and should not be included in Nissan’s sales.

For example: "SGMW and Dongfeng VENUCIA have very similar backgrounds. SGMW sales have not been integrated into SAIC GM's overall sales. However, after Dongfeng VENUCIA became independent in 2017, sales data in 2018 was still accounted. 


In terms of GEELY, the best-selling products are still BoYue, Emgrand and Emgrand GS, but the first two have different degrees of reduction compared to the sales volume of 2017. Bo Yue has dropped more than 10 percentage points.

Although China's auto market has been sluggish in 2018, there are still some automakers that have sold more than one million. Among these major automakers, they can be regarded as the vane of the auto market and have certain reference value. In 2019, Chinese auto market will still be affected by the big environment. As a leading company, this year will not only stabilize the market share, but also expand the market one step at a time. Of course, this also requires good products to appear and achieve excellent results this year.

Editor:Zhao Chun